The Family Partnership Program
The Family Partnership Program (formerly Brisbane Parent Academy) is the common thread woven throughout the life of Brisbane Academy serving as the main connector between the home and school. Its major goal is to provide ongoing support to parents and families through information and resources…to aide them in becoming the best teachers and advocates for their children.
These FREE services are automatically available to all our families.
Benefits include:
- Information and Referral Services
- Individualized, Small and Large Group Sessions
- Information and techniques on various topics relating to parenting and family empowerment
- Family Engagement: Parent(s), Grandparents, Siblings, etc.
- Parent support sessions: Time Management, Sibling Rivalry, Talking So Children Listen, Healthy Use of Social
- Media, Family communication (academic, social, holistic), etc.
- Special sessions/presentations to scholars with emphasis on Virtual Learning, Virtual (online) and Social Etiquette (classroom), self-appreciation/self-love, and Character Building
- Staff Development and Empowerment Sessions
- Organized Support and Involvement of “Grand” Parents
- Quarterly Publication of “The CONNECTOR” Newsletter
- Community Outreach
The Family Partnership Program is committed to supporting the school’s mission that offers scholars a quality academic and social environment to develop a love for self and the overall global learning process. Brisbane Academy provides a nurturing, bully-free, safe environment where expert leadership and highly skilled teachers encourage, discipline with love and practice conflict resolution to achieve healthy academic, social and emotional outcomes for its scholars.
Indeed, Family Matters! The Family Partnership Program celebrates and supports various family structures and believes that parents are the first and most influential teachers in the lives of their children. We proudly encourage parents and “grand” parents, and are proud and honored to assist them in expanding and enhancing their roles.
Our involvement Today is an investment in the lives of our children Tomorrow!
This is the Best Job ever!!! Everyday, I get to involve parents…..inspire teachers and motivate students!!!!
What an awesome opportunity!
Your tax-deductible donations are welcomed to benefit the continued efforts of this essential family support program.